Call for Applications for Postdoctoral PhD Masters and Undergraduate Student Interns at University of Dar es Salaam

Call for Applications for Postdoctoral PhD Masters and Undergraduate Student Interns at University of Dar es Salaam

Call for Applications for Postdoctoral PhD Masters and Undergraduate Student Interns at University of Dar es Salaam

At the UDSM Research Chair in Forced Displacement (UDSM-RCFD) with a Focus on East Africa

Project summary and background

With the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the
University of Dar es Salaam Research Chair on Forced Displacement (UDSMRCFD), located in the Department of Geography, College of Social Sciences under the project titled Strengthening Knowledge, Evidence Use and Leadership in the Global South on Forced Displacement: Focus on East Africa has established a Research Chair which conducts research, seminars, policy dialogues, capacity building, and outreach activities on forced displacement/displaced.

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The UDSM-RCFD is inviting applications for postdoctoral, doctoral, master’s, and undergraduate interns who will work in the research, policy, and outreach programs.

The UDSM-RCFD is a multidisciplinary entity with members from Geography, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Development Studies, Business School, and Food Science and covers Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda.

The RCFD focuses on two major types of forced displacement namely the refugees and internally-displaced persons (IDPs). With the IDPs, the research expands to include climate change, disaster, conservation, or development-induced displacements such as construction and extraction industries and urban policies.

The research conducted under the Chair will embrace a gender-transformative research approach, focusing on the adaptive capacity of the displaced, raising the voices of the displaced people, studying the existing social and legal protection, designing and outreach programs on empowerment, and conducting policy dialogues to ensure democratic and inclusive governance; sustainable and economic inclusion.

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Eligibility: Citizens of the following East African countries Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda.

Expectations for postdoctoral Fellows: these are expected to relocate to the UDSM where they will be paid a stipend and funds for research using the UDSM remuneration schedule. They are expected to provide administrative
support to the Chair and academic support to the doctoral, master, and undergraduate students. The project seeks to fund one postdoctoral for one year renewable depending on the performance, needs, and the decision of the board

Call for Applications for Postdoctoral PhD Masters and Undergraduate Student Interns at University of Dar es Salaam

Expectations for Ph.D. and Master’s Students: the support for PhDs and Master’s students will be limited to research only, using the UDSM’s payment schedule. One of the supervisors must be from the Team of researchers above and for those from outside Tanzania. The students are expected to take part in seminars which will be given in modules and to present, and also in other activities of the Chair, the policy dialogues, and outreach.

Expectations for Undergraduate Interns: the RCFD will seek to employ undergraduate students to work as interns in the project designed by the RCFD.
Students will be recruited from the law, health, education, psychology, environment, business, food science, political science, and economics fields to work as interns on different projects identified by the RCFD.

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Students seeking such an opportunity will be invited to take part in the activities of the RCFD as volunteers to familiarize themselves with the RCFD mission and goals before they can qualify to take part in the outreach activities, Students will also be encouraged and supported to design their projects.

All selected candidates must be ready to conduct research in one or more of the East African countries named above and be ready to work with a multidisciplinary team of more than 30 members from the East African region, and also attend meetings, seminars, policy dialogues and or facilitate in outreach activities.

Mode of application

Applications should include the following: A statement of interest, a CV, and a concept note. Upon being accepted, more documents will be required.

Female candidates and individuals who have experienced displacement are encouraged to apply.
Deadline for submission: January 30th, 2023.

The application is to be sent by email to: opportuna.kweka@gmail.com and copy to fnamkesa@yahoo.com

Inquiries: Any inquiries to be sent to the Research Chair of the UDSM-RCFD,
Dr. OpportunaKweka: opportuna.kweka@gmail.com

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